Thursday, April 2, 2009


let me introduce 'cantik' to you.

who's cantik? she's my girlfriend yeah i love her!!
kidding lah.

okay, actually cantik is my pet, my favorite pet and damn cantik is a cat.
i'm afraid of cat (dulu kok) and now.. i'm in love with that cat!! (sumpah lebay)

cantik looks like this cat, i don't know whose cat is this, but i think they're twin kidding lagi deh

hm enough to talk about cantik. now, inta's cat, her name is 'iello'

yeay, she's a catwomen!

ha ha ha ha lucu lo!
eh ga lucu ta sumpah.
loh kok ta? iya ini gue yang bikin.
ha? gue siapa?
gue, INTA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
(ngemeng sendiri)

breninta kharissa ainani, 9e, 07
(ceritanya tugas sekolah)

ps: lama lama blog ini di hak patenkan inta deh kayaknya okay, it's time to feed iello. salam meaow!